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Informació per als autors i autores 1. Presentation. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia is an academic journal addressing all topics of geographic interest, published simultaneously in paper and on-line versions. Its main goals are to spread the particularities of the geographic scientific approach and to raise social awareness of diverse territorial, social and environmental issues and at the same time to contribute to the enrichment of the scientific Catalan baggage of the diverse geographical disciplines. Since 1984 Treballs is edited biannually by the Societat Catalana de Geografia (SCG), subsidiary of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC). TSCG publishes original texts of geographical research as well as the conferences and other activities organized by the Societat Catalana de Geografia. 2. Presentation of originals. Originals must be sent in digital format to the address scg@iec.cat. It could also be sent by regular mail in paper format but always accompanied by a digital copy to the secretary of the Societat Catalana of Geography (Maria-Aurèlia Capmany's street, 14-16, 08001 Barcelona). 3. Structure of the texts . 3.1. The document should be paginated but should not contain any other type of heading or page footer. 3.2. The title must clearly reflect the content of the work. 3.3. It is highly recommended that the authors that want to sign with two surnames, make use of the hyphenated form, to facilitate his/her identification in scientific databases. 3.4. It should include at least three abstracts of the article in Catalan, Spanish and English as well as the language of the original if it is different to the previously mentioned. The abstracts should not exceed 150 words and should use a 10.5 font. Also summaries will be admitted into other languages attending to the territory to which the article refers. Every summary will be preceded by the corresponding translation of the title and will finish with three to five words or key concepts in the mentioned languages. The summary must expose, with short and clear phrases, the aims, methodology and principal results of the work. 3.5. It is convenient if the article has a brief introduction that explains the aim of the work, the interest that it has for geography, the previous works on the topic, the aspects that it has tried to solve or to improve, and the formal structure of the article. The sources and used methods must be indicated in such a way that the reader can verify and understand how the investigation has been carried out. The conclusions should include a brief summary and synthesis of the obtained results, as well as a personal assessment and also the future development of the topic of research. 3.6. The articles should not exceed 60.000 characters without spaces (including summaries, notes and bibliography) or 30 pages (including illustrations, maps, graphs and photos). Throughout the work a spacing of 1.15 and use Times New Roman typography must be used. The body of letter of the general text should be 12 points. Authors are encouraged to imitate, if possible, the style and disposition of elements that could be observed in the latest issue of the journal. 3.7. The system of differentiation of the paragraphs of the article is free, but it must present a logical structure and a clear hierarchic arrangement. In case of containing many sub-parts TSCG recommends the use of numeration (1, 1.1, 1.1.1). The titles of the paragraphs should be in boldface, never in capital letters. 3.8. The bibliographical references must be limited to the sources consulted by the authors. Quotations should be inserted in the general text in brackets with the surname and year of edition (and optionally page), according to the following models referred to one, two or more authors: (Casassas, 2000, p. 222), (Lluch and Nel•lo, 1987) and (Vilà-Valentí et al., 1995); the name of the author must be obviated if it has just be mentioned in the text: “as H. Capel says (1981a, p. 45)”. Web pages are usually best cited in foot notes. 3.9. Foot notes should be in font 8 and should be used only when is strictly necessary. 3.10. The articles could contain only two types of illustrations: figures, (the only generic name that will include maps, graphs, sketches, photos ...) and tables, both with their own numeration, Arabic and correlative. The title (brief and clear) will be inserted in the text, not inside the figure or table. The source and / or authorship will be indicated at the foot of the illustration. The title precedes the illustration and the source follows it. These two elements will be used to indicate the most suitable location of the illustration in the text even when these elements are presented in separate files. Other norms for the illustrations are:
3.11. Annexes will be placed at the end of the article in font 11. 3.12. The bibliography (arranged alfabéticamente and chronologically) should be in font 10. The surnames go in small caps (not in capital letters). The guidelines for the bibliography are the following ones:
Some information as indicated in the previous models could be avoided is they appear in the following formats: in brackets (except the year), between brackets (except the abbreviation ed., used for all kinds of coordination) as well as the number of edition. Also brackets can be used to indicate uncertain information or that do not appear in the document. The authorship repeated in consecutive works of the bibliographical relation will be replaced by a long script ( – ). In case of works of the same authorship and year, they will differ by letters after the date (1982a, 1982b) in order to facilitate its quotation. 4. Other sections of the journal . 4.1. The section Notes i documentació receives originals of a very diverse profile; between others: interviews, biographical notes, edition of unpublished documents, overviews, bibliographical summaries, investigations of limited scope, very brief articles, chronicles of events, opinions, summary of statistical information or of another type. The authors could suggest the publication of their works in this section; the editorial board of TSCG, in accordance with the external evaluators, could also consider more opportune the publication of a work in this section rather than in the articles section. The works presented explicitly to this section will be only evaluated by the Editorial board. The works published in Notes and documentation must follow the general criteria, but should have a maximum of 40.000 characters without spaces (including notes and bibliography) and cannot exceed 25 pages, including illustrations. The incorporation of summaries in this section remains a decision of the authors. 4.2. Ressenyes section is open to reviews of books of geographical interest recently published of any language. Reviews should have a maximum of 15.000 characters without spaces. Optionally it could also include some references. 4.3. Conferències section includes texts that have been presented in public in one of the activities of the SCG. The format of conferences should follow the same structure and guidelines as the article’s section. 5. Publishing process. 5.1. Receipt of articles. The editorial board will notify the authors the acknowledgement of receipt of the articles and after revising them the authors will be notified if the article is accepted or not. The acknowledgement of receipt does not necessarily imply its acceptance. 5.2. Internal review of the articles. The editorial board will review each of the papers presented and will assess the convenience to publish it according to the quality and apparent interest of the article depending on the publishing criteria of the journal, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements of a formal presentation. 5.3. External evaluation of articles. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia is ruled by the system of external and anonymous evaluation of the articles. The editorial board will send works to be evaluated that they consider suitable for the section of articles. The relation of reviewers is published periodically. 5.4. The editorial board of the journal has the right:
5.5. The acceptance or rejection by the editorial board of the works is based on the following criteria:
5.6. Once the process of evaluation is finished, TSCG will send to the first author of the paper the notification of acceptance or rejection of the publication of the work. Once the paper is accepted the author could apply for a certification that his/her work is in press. 5.7. During the process of composition or final lay out, the authors will receive a pdf format of their article for a final review. 5.8. Once published, the authorship will receive a copy of the journal. If between the authors of the work there is a member of the SCG they will be able to request up to 5 copies. |
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Societat Catalana de Geografia
Filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans Carrer del Carme, 47 / 08001 Barcelona scg@iec.cat |